Heat Pump Tune-Up Services in Indianapolis, IN | Thiele
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Indianapolis Heat Pump Tune Up

What are the Benefits of a Heat Pump Tune Up?

The primary reason to schedule maintenance on your heat pump with Thiele is efficiency and longevity. Our technicians train on the latest innovations and our vast experience prepares us to carefully inspect your equipment. 

  • Energy efficiency – Since many homeowners purchase heat pumps for the superior energy ratings, maintaining your investment makes sense. Calibrating the system improves efficiency and reduces energy usage. Without regular maintenance energy usage and electricity bills may increase. 
  • Reduced risk of repair – Your heat pump is a major investment. When our team inspects and maintains your system, we test every major component looking for signs of wear and defect. Fixing minor issues within a tune up reduces the risk of breakdown of the heat pump.
  • Longer lifespan – Generally, properly maintained HVAC equipment has a longer lifespan than neglected systems. Cleaning, calibrating and adjusting your heat pump in the spring and fall with Thiele extends the lifespan of your heat pump.  
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What to Does a Heat Pump Tune Up Include?

The most important step in heat pump tune up is the technician. When you call on Thiele you can trust our team member has the training, insight and skill to perform full maintenance according to the manufacturer guidelines and our internally designed checklist.

During a heat pump tune up our technicians perform a wide range of services including:

  • Clean all components of dust, debris and other contaminants
  • Inspect ducts, filters, blower and indoor coil for obstructions and signs of wear
  • Measure airflow performance
  • Test for any leaks including refrigerant leaks
  • Check refrigerant charge
  • Tighten, clean and inspect all electrical connections
  • Lubricate and apply non conductive protective coating to electrical wiring as necessary 
  • Inspect condition of belts
  • Calibrate controls in both heating and cooling modes
  • Verify thermostat operation and test system
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When to Schedule Heat Pump Maintenance?

In central Indiana, early spring and fall mark the transition times between cooling and heating seasons. Winter months are stressful on heat pumps so a complete tune up in the spring makes sure you have reliable performance throughout the summer. Likewise, late summer heat strains heat pumps. So our services help your system recover before temperatures begin to drop in winter. Thiele Heating & Air Conditioning are trained on the latest innovations and use state of the art diagnostic equipment to make sure your heat pump is ready for the extreme shifts in weather.

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Thiele Maintenance Plan

We offer a preventative maintenance service agreement for heat pump systems. This program includes a bi-annual tune-up service by our licensed contractors. For busy homeowners remembering to schedule a heat pump tune up can be difficult. Our team reminds you when it is time to service your heat pump and our members enjoy a 15% discount on parts and labor if repairs are required.

Preventative Maintenance Plans

Why Choose Thiele Heating & Air Conditioning?

Our company has provided quality service throughout central Indiana since 1883.  Value, integrity and reliability are the principles that guide Thiele Heating & Air Conditioning. Our long tradition as an Indianapolis business helps our team of skilled technicians and friendly support staff care for our customers. Call us today to schedule your appointment!

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