How Does a Zoned Heating and Cooling System Work? | Thiele
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How Does a Zoned Heating and Cooling System Work?

How Does a Zoned Heating and Cooling System Work?

In the Indianapolis area, most homes use central heating and cooling systems to control the temperature throughout all areas of the home. However, this creates some comfort issues as not everyone or every space has the same needs. The perfect solution for better comfort as well as higher energy savings is zoned heating and cooling. Learn how these systems work and why they benefit your family members.

Traditional Heating and Cooling Issues

Traditionally, a central heating and air conditioning system operates using one thermostat, which communicates with the air conditioner, heat pump, or furnace to control temperature adjustments. If you’re feeling too hot or too cold, you simply adjust the temperature at the thermostat, and the thermostat communicates this need to your HVAC system. The system turns on to send additional heated or cooled air to the entire home.

This method of operation is often problematic in many homes – just because one person or one area is too hot or too cold doesn’t mean the rest of your household or living spaces are. With the traditional HVAC setup, there isn’t a way to account for the unique needs and preferences of people and spaces within the home. When a homeowner adjusts the thermostat because one room isn’t comfortable, adding more heat or cooling to the other rooms could cause uncomfortable conditions, which is especially common in multi-level homes. It becomes a constant struggle to keep all areas perfectly comfortable and everyone satisfied.

How Does Zoned Heating and Cooling Work?

A zoned HVAC system is a simple and effective solution that transforms your traditional central HVAC system to provide individualized comfort for everyone in every area of your home. A zoned system can be added when a new HVAC system is installed or retrofitted to work with a home’s existing central air conditioner, heat pump, or forced air furnace. Dampers are installed within the duct system, and thermostats are added to specific zones of the home, giving occupants the ability to control temperatures independent of other areas.

With HVAC zoning, the home is split into areas called zones based on like needs or similar attributes. Each zone is given its own thermostat, which can be adjusted without disrupting the temperature settings in other zones. When one zone calls for heating or cooling, dampers open in the supply duct to send conditioned air from the HVAC unit to that space. If other areas do not need additional heating or cooling, dampers remain closed to avoid routing conditioned air into the zone.

Benefits of Zoning Your Home

Zoned heating and cooling offers many important benefits that make them a valuable addition in any Indianapolis area home.

  • The ability to independently control heating and cooling levels in each area of the home ensures every person and space are always kept at the right temperature, without disrupting conditions across the house.
  • Using a zoned heating and cooling system eliminates hot and cold spots in the home, solving issues with comfortable lower levels and upper levels that are too hot, difficulty maintaining comfort in rooms farthest away from the HVAC unit while rooms closest stay pleasant, and more.
  • Zoned heating and cooling systems help homeowners cut energy consumption and energy bills by only using energy to heat and cool air for specific areas rather than wasting it across the entire home where it isn’t always needed.
  • With zoned heating and cooling, your HVAC system experiences less use, resulting in less wear and tear, fewer breakdowns, and longer service life. The zoning system allows the heating or cooling unit to operate only as much as necessary, so parts experience less use and wear.
  • A zoned heating and cooling system can operate quieter than traditional HVAC systems. By minimizing the run time of equipment and only routing forced air through ducts where needed, operating noise throughout the house is decreased.

Are You Ready for Zoned Heating and Cooling?

The comfort customization and energy conservation offered by zoned heating and cooling deliver immense value to homeowners. Call Thiele Heating & Air Conditioning today to learn more about zoning your HVAC system and receive an estimate for zoning system installation.