5 Ways to Stay Cool for the Summer | Thiele

5 Ways to Stay Cool for the Summer

5 Ways to Stay Cool for the Summer

Summers in Central Indiana are usually no joke. Although the month of May can sometimes be a roller coaster of weather, the heat and humidity will more than likely be here before we know it! 

At Thiele Heating & Air Conditioning, we know that the best energy-efficient ACs operate on minimal electricity to hold utility bills down. But during those dog days of summer, there are some other more creative ways to stay cool. These are great ways to keep you and your family comfortable, as well as give your cooling system a little break!


Exercise First Thing in the Morning

If you love getting outdoors in the nice weather to enjoy nature while getting a good workout, try to get your running in before the heat sets in. Doing this will keep you cooler during your workout and can prevent serious issues like heat exhaustion. “You know it’s going to be a hot day when you take your first step outside and feel the heat before the sun is above the horizon,” according to Ace Fitness. Remember to stay hydrated while exercising during the summer.

Read more: https://www.acefitness.org/blog/6013/7-ways-to-stay-cool-this-summer

Swap Your Sheets

Switch out those hot flannel sheets from winter and swap to some cool cotton. Cotton breathes easier and will keep your body cooler. If you’ve been having trouble staying cool at night, cotton sheets are a great step in the right direction. As an additional benefit, it’s a great way to freshen up your bedroom’s décor! You’ll also sleep better and wake up more refreshed.

Read more: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/08/03/ways-to-cool-your-home_n_5516182.html

Take an Ice Cold Foot Bath

While it may sound drastic, dipping your toes in freezing cold water is a sure way to cool your body down quickly. You won’t even need to keep your feet in the water for very long; a few seconds should do the trick! This is a simple tip to keep you cool in the summer heat and make sure your body temperature is in the right range.

According to Money Talks News, you should “Fill a bowl with cool water, and dip your little piggies right in. Add some ice if you’re brave, but don’t overdo it.”

You can also cool yourself down with an ice pack when temperatures soar during the summer months.

Find out more: https://www.moneytalksnews.com/5-strange-ways-stay-cool-the-summer/


Plant Trees Strategically

For the outside of your home, try planting deciduous trees on the east and west sides of your home. Their broad leaves will do a great job shading your house during the hot summer, but the bare branches in winter will allow the sun to shine in to warm it.

More from Good Housekeeping: http://www.goodhousekeeping.com/home/a25785/cool-without-air-conditioning/

Eliminate Heat Sources

Did you know that unplugging chargers when not in use can help to eliminate drawing additional heat into your home? Beat the heat by unplugging these phantom energy sources, which can also help you become more energy efficient.

If all else fails, there’s always ice cream, right?

Contact Thiele for Indianapolis Air Conditioning Services

Still not feeling cool? Thiele has more than a century of experience providing Central Indiana homeowners with cooling services, so let us keep your family comfortable all summer long while you enjoy the pleasure of your home. From air conditioning repair and maintenance to complete system replacements, the experts at Thiele have the knowledge, experience, and skills to help you keep cool this summer. Call us at 317-943-8579, or schedule an appointment online to keep your home nice and cool this summer.