Air Conditioning Spring Maintenance Checklist | Thiele
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Air Conditioning Spring Maintenance Checklist

We all know how important maintenance is — whether it’s your car, home, or health. Keeping up with maintenance helps to prevent future problems and unwanted costs. Home cooling equipment is definitely no exception. Just as a reminder, here in Indianapolis during June and July, the high temperatures average at about 82-85°F. Since our busy season peaks in summer, spring is a great time to call us to ensure your cooling system is in tip-top shape well before those sweltering months hit!

From ENERGYSTAR, some of the cooling specific items that we may look out for:

  • Clean evaporator and condenser air conditioning coils. Dirty coils reduce the system’s ability to cool your home and cause the system to run longer, increasing energy costs and reducing the life of the equipment.
  • Check your central air conditioner’s refrigerant level and adjust if necessary. Too much or too little refrigerant will make your system less efficient increasing energy costs and reducing the life of the equipment.
  • Clean and adjust blower components to provide proper system airflow for greater comfort levels. Airflow problems can reduce your system’s efficiency by up to 15 percent.

What Can You Do Yourself?

Inspect, clean, or change air filters once a month in your central air conditioner, furnace, and/or heat pump. Your contractor can show you how to do this. A dirty filter can increase energy costs and damage your equipment, leading to early failure.

Find out more from ENERGYSTAR

Learn more about Thiele’s “Rewards” Service Program

Our Preferred Customer Service Program provides preventive maintenance twice a year and a discount on any parts and service needed. For a very affordable annual fee, we will:

  • Perform preventive maintenance twice a year, Spring and Autumn
  • Check and adjust air flow temperature
  • Clean or replace air filters
  • Calibrate thermostats
  • Clean coils and clear debris from condenser unit
  • Provide a 10% discount on any parts and repairs needed, including the current visit

Thiele’s “Rewards” Service Program provides homeowners the peace-of-mind:

  • Of knowing that a well-maintained system rarely breaks down
  • That if repairs are needed, they are our top priority

Want to learn more? Give us a call at 317-943-8579 or contact us online.