5 Landscape Design Trends for Fall | Thiele
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5 Landscape Design Trends for Fall

Fall is almost here! Here in Central Indiana, this is the perfect time to enjoy the last of the great weather outdoors. Let’s face it, in winter, most of us are spending time indoors staying cozy and warm! If you have a great outdoor space, you should be all set for the crisp autumn evenings to enjoy fires, roasting marshmallows, and spending time with friends and family. If you feel like your outdoor landscaping needs a little updating, this list from Realtor.com might be for you. From plants to lighting, read on to find out some of the top trends for fall landscaping! Do you have some great ideas of your own? Share them with us in the comments!

Read the full article here.


Source: realtor.com
From realtor.com: Fire features, fire pits, fire walls, and fire tables are all the rage this fall.chandlerphoto/iStock
From realtor.com: Bringing the outdoors indoors is a hot trend for fall.missisya/iStock

Once you have your outdoor space ready for fall, don’t forget to call us for your indoor home comfort! If you think your furnace isn’t quite ready for the chilly winter months, now is the time to call! 317-943-8579.